How do I hide the header on landing pages?

Great news! There is a feature built-in so that you can do this for both website and landing pages.

This is simple so I'm going to keep this article short and sweet. 

Header Footer Override Module

Included in all CLEAN templates is a module called the Header Footer Override module. The thing about this module is that it loves playing hide-n-seek and is a little tricky to find if you don't know where to look.

While in the CMS, just click the Contents tab and you'll see it right at the very top.



Go ahead and click that and you'll see the options open up with these features.



On certain templates (mostly landing pages) some of these options may be clicked by default. As you can see Hide All Header Nav Links is one of the options.

Checking this will hide all the links but your logo will still remain on the page.

Removing the entire Global Header module

If you want to remove the global header (or footer) module entirely, there is an option for that as well but will require you to start by using a Landing Page template as your base.

Each landing page template gives you the option to remove the global elements where as the website templates do not.

Simply open the Contents tab and then click the ••• next to the Global Header module or the Section it sits in to delete it.


Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 8.00.04 AM

Look at that. You just won the game of hide-n-seek!

