How do I edit or customize my Child Theme?

In this video, I'll walk you through exactly what you need to know in order to start making customizations to your Child theme.

If you simply want to add your brand style to the child theme, here is the article for you.

The tutorial will walk you through the steps to make any CODE-LEVEL customizations to your Child Theme.

Note: This is on the more advanced end of the spectrum.

This is very useful in case you want to make customizations to any of the CSS files, custom modules, etc. that comprise the CLEAN theme.

My suggestion is to only pull in the modules and files that you MUST update at the code level.  By moving these into your child's theme, they will not receive updates when a new version of CLEAN is released.  This is to prevent your changes from being wiped out.

If you're simply wanting to add some additional CSS or JS, it's best to use the child.css and child.js files as opposed to bringing in core theme files.